Spiritual Experiences

You don’t have to believe in God to have a spiritual experience. Spiritual experiences are happening through us irrespective of whether we believe in God or a Higher Power.

Why am I talking about spiritual experiences? It’s my access to being in flow, being creative, and being able to live a life consistent with who I want to be despite my blocks (trauma, core beliefs, religion, society etc).

There is a process to have spiritual experiences and it requires work.

Being creative, authentic, free, fully self-expressed, integrated, hopeful, joyous, direct, loving, and living my vision and values are all spiritual experiences.

Why do I say the above are spiritual experiences? When I am in a spiritual experience, I am transcending my limitations. For example:

  1. No one will work with me as a coach because I am black, so I won’t start my business. My coaching business today is a spiritual experience because each day I transcend my limiting belief of who I am.
  2. I cannot be in an intimate relationship because I am a bad boy. Being in a loving intimate relationship is a spiritual experience as it goes beyond my view of myself. I can’t sit on my laurels. There were no laurels to sit on, to begin with. I needed to do the work to love myself for this to be possible. And each day I do the work to love myself.
  3. I can’t leave my career in law to pursue my dream of being a coach. No one will work with me. People work with me because I run a law firm. Closing the law firm, facing the world and becoming a high-performance life and business coach is a spiritual experience.
  4. No one will like me because I am gay. The boys won’t accept me anymore. What people think of me is none of my concern. I can’t control what people think of me. I can only control me and I shall be fully me. That is a spiritual experience.

My experience is all these things require work each day. There is no end game but to live a spiritual life. The process of doing the work and feeling the outcomes are spiritual experiences.

Living a spiritual life is the highest form of living. There is nothing else. Living a spiritual life is my glass ceiling and it is my infinity.

There can be blocks to my spiritual experiences. Each day I wake up and must unblock what gets in the way of my alignment with the universe and then harness what the universe wants to express through me.

Not embracing our spirituality does not make us bad, but bad things do happen. Not living a spiritual life has real consequences: it is not fulfilling, things stop working, chaos ensues, wars break out, greed flourishes, diseases spread, poverty ravishes the earth, and our planet decays.

But imagine the difference in ourselves, for our families, our communities, our country, and our planet, if we all put in the work to have spiritual experiences daily. What would the experience of our lives, our relationships, and our planet be like?

This is a story that shows how you can turn your pain into power, how you have power to heal your own body and mind


A mentally healthy workforce is more engaged, creative, and resilient, contributing significantly to the growth and sustainability of your business.