How to Build a Growth Mindset (approaches that actually work)

Ever felt stuck, facing a challenge that seemed too big to tackle? 

What if I told you that adopting a growth mindset is the key to not just facing challenges but thriving in the face of them? 

I had and still am navigating through various challenges, discovering firsthand the transformative power of a growth mindset. Here are the four simple approaches I use. Each with its own set of strategies that you too can easily integrate into your life.

1. Choose Positive Words

Believe in Your Yet

Let’s start with a small but powerful shift in language. Swap out limiting phrases with a more empowering perspective. Change “I can’t” to “I can’t yet.” This tiny shift transforms obstacles into temporary roadblocks on your journey to mastery. It’s about acknowledging that the path to success is a process, not an instant result.

Talk to Yourself Nicely

Become your own biggest supporter by changing self-limiting thoughts to empowering affirmations. It’s not about denying challenges but facing them with a mindset that says, “I’ve got this.” The way we speak to ourselves matters, and cultivating a positive inner dialogue sets the tone for how we approach obstacles.

Say Goodbye to Negative Talk

Language shapes thoughts. Replace fixed mindset phrases like “I can’t” or “I’m not good at this” with growth mindset language that moves you forward. Instead of saying “This is too hard,” try “This may take some time and effort, but I can figure it out.” The power of positive language lies in its ability to shape your perception and response to challenges.

2. Keep Learning

Keep Learning

Adopt a mindset of continuous learning. See new challenges as opportunities to expand your skills. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about progress. The willingness to learn is at the core of a growth mindset. Embrace curiosity and approach each experience, whether a success or setback, as a chance to gather insights and understanding.

Always Be Curious

Stay curious about everything. Ask questions, find answers, and never stop wanting to know more. View the world as your classroom. Every experience, whether a success or setback, is a chance to gather insights and understand more. Cultivate a love for learning by approaching each day with curiosity. 

Learn from Everything

Stay curious about the world. Ask questions, seek answers, and keep wanting to know more. Curiosity is the engine that drives continuous learning. When you approach challenges with a curious mindset, you open yourself up to discovering new solutions and approaches.

3. Think Differently about Problems

Turn Problems into Chances

Don’t run from problems; look at them as chances to learn, get better, and come out tougher on the other side. Instead of avoiding challenges, lean into them. See each hurdle as a chance to learn, improve, and come out stronger. Facing challenges head-on is a fundamental aspect of developing a growth mindset. It’s about embracing difficulties as opportunities for growth and not shying away from them.

Failing Doesn’t Mean Stop

If you mess up, it’s not the end. It’s just a chance to figure out what went wrong and keep moving forward. Learn from it, adapt, and keep moving forward. Successful people have a history of failures that lead to triumph. Failure becomes a valuable lesson rather than a source of discouragement. It’s about reframing setbacks as stepping stones to success.

Keep Trying When Things Get Hard

When things get tough, don’t give up. Keep trying, learn from what happened, and get even stronger. Resilience is the ability to recover from setbacks, adapt to change, and keep going in the face of adversity. It’s a crucial component of a growth mindset, helping you navigate challenges with grace and determination.

4. Do Things That Help You Grow

Picture Yourself Winning

Imagine yourself doing awesome things. It’s like practicing in your mind for when it happens. Use the power of visualization. Visualization is a powerful tool that athletes, entrepreneurs, and high achievers use to mentally prepare for success. It involves creating a mental image of your desired outcome, which can enhance motivation and improve performance.

Celebrate the Good Stuff You Do

Instead of only caring about being perfect, care more about making progress. We live in a world where we are focused on what we have failed at, and where we have not exceeded expectations.  This robs us of our fuel for living.  It creates a distorted view of who we are as there is little acknowledgment of what we have accomplished and owning our achievements entirely.  What celebrating your wins makes available is fuel for your life.  You get connected to the beauty and majesty of life.  Your life is not just failure, your life is not just what went wrong.  Your life is filled with the beauty of what you are capable of.  It is your job to see it.  The more you see who you truly are, the more you enjoy your life in the present and the more you are willing to live, the more you are willing to grow, and the more you can give back to the legacy of being human.


Think About Your Life Regularly

Take moments to think about your life. What have you learned? How have you grown? Doing this helps you know where you’re going. Regular reflection is like a compass pointing you toward growth. Reflection allows you to gain insights from your experiences, understand your strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas for improvement. It’s a key practice for personal development and continual growth.


Embarking on the journey to a growth mindset isn’t a one-time thing; it’s a lifelong commitment. As you try these approaches, remember that the process is just as important as the destination. Let’s make growth a constant companion on your journey.

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